Residency @ Hub Feenix

2023-06-02 23 days

Andrée Laurier

I am here to start my tenth novel. I am hoping this exceptional place and its welcoming people will inspire me to get my next manuscript launched. Here are some of my experiences and thoughts while I am at Hub Feenix. Surrounded by the forest, in a historical, luminous healing place and shelter, now full of life and vibrant colours. A simple, sincere life. Silence here is possible. And so are laughs. Oh. And although I am not very good at taking photos of myself, here I am, in my room, still a bit jet-lagged but happy.

Ideas coming together

Ideas coming together

over 1 year ago, by Andrée Laurier

Random notes I had taken in the previous months started to come together and make sense at Hub Feenix. But finding a voice and proper technique for the novel was necessary. It would emerge from this place and its unique story and setting.

The novel is there

The novel is there

over 1 year ago, by Andrée Laurier

The novel has taken shape

Less than three weeks after my arrival, I have written and edited the first chapters of a first draft of the novel. I expect this form to be the definitive one. What was to be a sombre story has become a showcase of life and light. A fine adventure of the spirit. This is the way Hub Feenix has spoken to me. Vividly and profoundly.

My published books so far

My published books so far

over 1 year ago, by Andrée Laurier

Adding on to the past

I have published eight books of fiction with several publishers, six novels and two novellas. Some shown here are second editions. My next novel is to be published shortly and, as I write this post, my tenth book is underway, born at Hub Feenix and inspired by my unforgettable stay there.

over 1 year ago
over 1 year ago
This is the view from my room!