Residency @ Hub Feenix

How to get here

Address: Högbenintie 30, 10350 Meltola
Nearby town: Karjaa (Karis)
Distance from Helsinki: approximately 1 hour by train or car (75 km)

See on Google Maps



Helsinki-Vantaa airport is the closest one, from there you can take the train to the city center, and then to Karjaa. You can also buy the train ticket straight from the airport to Karjaa, changing train once in Pasila (a station just before Helsinki city centre).

Find more information here



You can take a ferry from Tallin (Estonia) to Helsinki, it takes around 2 hours and costs 20-30€.

Ferries from Stockholm (Sweden) to Helsinki or Turku take around 10 hours and cost 40-70€.

There's also a ferry from Travemunde (Germany) to Helsinki.



The train can be taken from Helsinki to Karjaa (Karis), and it takes about 1 hour. Make sure to contact us well in advance before you arrive, so we can arrange to pick you up at the train station. If it´s possible, please arrive during daytime.

On weekdays, the first train to leave Helsinki to go to Karjaa/Karis is at 5h28, last one is at 21h06. The other way round, the first one to go to the capital is at 6h28 and last one at 21h58. There is a train almost every hour.

During the weekend, it's the same schedule except for the first train from Karjaa/Karis to Helsinki, it's at 8h28. And there is no train every hour, it depends on the time.

You can also easily go to / come from Turku by train, 1 hour away.

Check the website for all the timings and to book your tickets.

Here we are, bottom left


What to bring

- It can get pretty cold during winter, so make sure to come with several layers of clothes, preferably woollen. Also summer nights can be cool in Finland, so it´s a good idea to have a warm woollen pullover, woollen socks and sometimes hat and woollen gloves can be useful too. We can also borrow you more warm clothes when needed!
- Don't forget a swimsuit for the sauna and swimming. Also, if you can fit it in your luggage, a bathrobe to go to sauna is nice to have! It´s also possible to borrow one, if you can´t bring it with you. It´s good to bring also some slippers of flip-flops for walking in the house and go to sauna in the garden!

Your own equipment and materials
- We may have some materials you can use or buy, but in general the artists in residence bring their own materials. There´s a list of the most popular art supply stores in Helsinki and online on this website!

Welcome to join the Hub!


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